Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Gladstone Park School results are exceeding all expectations

The Parent Action Group at Gladstone Park School today released a press notification to say that the school's results are exceeding all expectations and that the DfE should recognise the excellent progress made by the school under its existing governance arrangements, and end the uncertainty over its future by withdrawing the threat to forced academisation. 

The 'inadequate' rating of Gladstone Park School by an Ofsted inspection in November 2012, which led to the threat of academy status being imposed upon the school was based on progress in Years 3 to 5 being classed as too slow. However, results for the Autumn and Spring 2012/13 terms now show that progress across Key Stage 2 year groups (Years 3 to 6) is well above expectations.  

Using the standard Average Point Score measure, Key Stage 2 children are expected to progress by 1 point per term on average in reading, writing and maths. Over the Autumn and Spring Terms, where 2 points progress for each year group would be expected, the overall average figures for Gladstone Park Primary School are:
If, as anticipated, this trend continues through the Summer Term, it will make Gladstone Park Primary School one of the best performing in the country in terms of value added (progress against expectations).  This is thanks to the school’s own improvement plan, with the support of the Local Education Authority and other local community schools, and the energy and commitment of the teachers. 

Yet despite these results, the Department for Education (DfE) is still trying to force Gladstone Park Primary School to become an academy, over the objections of parents, governors and staff.  The DfE says that it will select an academy sponsor and impose it on the school, and only then consult with the parents over what is effectively a done deal.  However, such a change would be highly disruptive, and threatens to undo all the good work done so far.

To read the full Press Release
To read the Gladstone Park School
performance fact sheet

Monday, 18 March 2013

Gladstone Park School parents join demonstration marching on Department of Education

On 13 March, parents and children from Gladstone Park Park Primary School in Brent and Roke Primary School, Croydon protest against Michael Gove's policy of forced academies. 
The protest was covered on BBC's Sunday Politics programme. Click on the link below and go to 50 minutes into the programme.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Monday, 11 March 2013

Latest Governors' Newsletter - 11 March 2013

The latest Newsletter from the Governors, dated 11 March 2013 is now up on the school website.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Communication from Caroline Cane - 21 February 2013

The latest communication from Caroline Cane at the DfE to Anne Kinderlerer, Chair og Governors is now up on the school website.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Decision delayed for Academisation of Gladstone Park School

14 February 2013:In an article about Gladstone Park School's forced academy campaign in yesterday's Brent and Kilburn Times, the DfE is quoted as saying that no decision had been taken yet on a sponsor.
 “We are currently considering Ofsted’s report and representations from the school before making any final decision on whether Gladstone Park will become a sponsored academy.
“In the vast majority of cases we have worked in partnership with schools wanting to transfer to academy status. However, where underperformance is not being tackled effectively, the Secretary of State does have powers to intervene to make sure standards improve.”
To read the full article CLICK HERE

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

No sponsor announced

13 February:

Parents at Gladstone Park Primary School are welcoming the pause from the DfE in not naming a government-appointed sponsor.
Parents had previously been told they would be informed of the sponsor on 11 February 2013 – yet no such announcement was made yesterday.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Today's protest

A protest was held by pupils and parents outside the school gates today in opposition to the forced academy status being imposed upon the school.
The Independent sent a photographer as well as the Kilburn Times.
Independent article link
Kilburn Times article link

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Protest to take place

              STOP PRESS: 
A public protest will be taking place in front
of Gladstone Park School on
Friday 8 February against academy status being
forced upon the school.
The protest will take place at 3.15pm by the front entrance
to the school in Sherrick Green Road.
Please come armed with placards and banners and please try to mobilise support in the wider community so that as many people as possible attend.
We believe the event will be covered by BBC London news and various other media.
For more information please email:
Gladstone Park Primary School,
Sherrick Green Road,
London, NW10 1LB

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Academies and Lies film released

               Filmed documentary 'Academies and Lies' has now been released: The Parents, The Politician and the Carpetbagger follows parents and teachers from Downhills School as they try to stop Education secretary, Michael Gove, forcing their school to become part of the Harris academy chain. 
Academies and Lies website

Friday, 1 February 2013

Brent Green party back campaign

               Brent Green Party spokesperson on children and families,  Martin Francis sends letter of support to Save Gladstone Park School campaigners.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Gladstone Park Primary School in Brent (North-west London) is being strong-armed into becoming an academy within weeks of receiving an ‘Inadequate’ Ofsted grade. This is despite inspectors recognising many areas of strength and a solid performance in the league tables. Staff and parents were told in January that the school, which had had its previously ‘good with outstanding elements’ performance sustained by Ofsted in 2011, will be fast-tracked for academy conversion.

A letter from the DfE’s ‘Brokerage and School Underperformance Division’, dated 24 January, informed School Governors that an academy sponsor would be put forward by 11 February. Consultation will only take place after the deal with the Department’s nominated sponsor is secured.

Tactics employed by the consultant contractor working for the DfE include a forced withholding of the sponsor decision for five weeks, during which pressure was brought to bear on the school governors to convert; extremely short deadlines being imposed and a refusal to consider any involvement by the Governors or the school on potential sponsors. Parents, of course, have not been consulted.    

Parents, carers and staff at the school in Dollis Hill have launched a campaign against what they perceive to be a politically-driven, disproportionate and undemocratic rush to academy conversion. They argue that the school had already identified the areas of weakness referred to in the Ofsted report and was already addressing them (a point Ofstead also mentioned in their report), and that it is important for the school community to have final say on its future governance. 

Ishani Salpadoru, parent of an eight year-old pupil at the school said, ‘We do not recognise our children’s day-to-day experience in the Ofsted report. Over 90% of parents said they would recommend this school to others in the Parentview survey. We feel we’re being steamrollered into academy status, with no influence whatsoever on our children’s future.’ 

Other parents are concerned that forced academy conversion will create unnecessary upheaval and uncertainty, and are sceptical about academy status providing a panacea. Greta Kemper, parent of two children at the school commented, ‘We chose to send our kids to this school because it was a good community school. We liked the ethos, and we believed – and still believe – that it is a good school. Now a seismic change is being forceably imposed on the school and we are excluded from the decision being made and will be completely cut out of any future involvement if the Academy goes ahead. We feel that the DfE is not acting in “good faith” in their approach.’

The ‘Save Gladstone Park School’ campaign is making links with other well-performing schools that are being forced down the same route, like Roke Primary in Croydon.

Parents believe popular schools like these are being deliberately targeted for academy conversion, as they are likely to improve in the medium-term, whatever their governance structures, and thus prove the government’s ‘Academies are better’ ideology correct. 

Gladstone Park is a large, thriving school in one of the country’s most multi-ethnic boroughs. The main body of pupils at Gladstone Park enters the school well below the national average for numeracy and literacy, with many pupils having English as an additional language. The school has shown that pupils make good progress across the early years (Nursery and Reception). It has SAT results above the national average, and twice the national average at level 6, so pupils leave well prepared for secondary school. 

The NAO has already stated that disadvantaged children do less well at Academies which is an issue for most inner-city schools. 

Parents and staff at Gladstone Park Primary all want school improvement. But ownership of this process must rest with the school and its local community. We will not let it be dictated to us, top-down by faceless bureaucrats. 

chool in Brent (North-west London) is being strong-armed into becoming an academy within weeks of receiving an ‘Inadequate’ Ofsted grade. This is despite inspectors recognising many areas of strength and a solid performance in the league tables. Staff and parents were told in January that the school, which had had its previously ‘good with outstanding elements’ performance sustained by Ofsted in 2011, will be fast-tracked for academy c

A letter from the DfE’s ‘Brokerage and School Underperformance Division’, dated 24 January, informed School Governors that an academy sponsor would be put forward by 11 February. Consultation will only take place after the deal with the Department’s nominated sponsor is secured.

Tactics employed by the consultant contractor working for the DfE include a forced withholding of the sponsor decision for five weeks, during which pressure was brought to bear on the school governors to convert; extremely short deadlines being imposed and a refusal to consider any involvement by the Governors or the school on potential sponsors. Parents, of course, have not been consulted.    

Parents, carers and staff at the school in Dollis Hill have launched a campaign against what they perceive to be a politically-driven, disproportionate and undemocratic rush to academy conversion. They argue that the school had already identified the areas of weakness referred to in the Ofsted report and was already addressing them (a point Ofstead also mentioned in their report), and that it is important for the school community to have final say on its future governance. 

Ishani Salpadoru, parent of an eight year-old pupil at the school said, ‘We do not recognise our children’s day-to-day experience in the Ofsted report. Over 90% of parents said they would recommend this school to others in the Parentview survey. We feel we’re being steamrollered into academy status, with no influence whatsoever on our children’s future.’ 

Other parents are concerned that forced academy conversion will create unnecessary upheaval and uncertainty, and are sceptical about academy status providing a panacea. Greta Kemper, parent of two children at the school commented, ‘We chose to send our kids to this school because it was a good community school. We liked the ethos, and we believed – and still believe – that it is a good school. Now a seismic change is being forceably imposed on the school and we are excluded from the decision being made and will be completely cut out of any future involvement if the Academy goes ahead. We feel that the DfE is not acting in “good faith” in their approach.’

The ‘Save Gladstone Park School’ campaign is making links with other well-performing schools that are being forced down the same route, like Roke Primary in Croydon.

Parents believe popular schools like these are being deliberately targeted for academy conversion, as they are likely to improve in the medium-term, whatever their governance structures, and thus prove the government’s ‘Academies are better’ ideology correct. 

Gladstone Park is a large, thriving school in one of the country’s most multi-ethnic boroughs. The main body of pupils at Gladstone Park enters the school well below the national average for numeracy and literacy, with many pupils having English as an additional language. The school has shown that pupils make good progress across the early years (Nursery and Reception). It has SAT results above the national average, and twice the national average at level 6, so pupils leave well prepared for secondary school. 

The NAO has already stated that disadvantaged children do less well at Academies which is an issue for most inner-city schools. 

Parents and staff at Gladstone Park Primary all want school improvement. But ownership of this process must rest with the school and its local community. We will not let it be dictated to us, top-down by faceless bureaucrats. 

Campaign is launched

Gladstone Parks School parents have launched their anti-academy campaign by issuing a press release to the media.Go to the Press release page to view or CLICK HERE